10 Tanda Orang Bertakwa Menurut Al-Qur’an dan Hadits
They provide us with invaluable insights into the qualities and characteristics of those who possess taqwa. Think of them as the blueprints for building a strong and righteous character.
Why is Taqwa Important?
Why should we even bother striving for taqwa? Well, the benefits are immense! Allah promises success, guidance, and ultimately, salvation to those who are muttaqin. It’s like investing in your future – the returns are far greater than the effort you put in.
10 Evident Signs of the Muttaqin
Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter. Here are 10 key signs that indicate a person is cultivating taqwa, based on the Quran and Hadith:
Belief in the Unseen (Ghaib):
- The very first characteristic mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:3) is belief in the unseen. This means having faith in things we cannot perceive with our senses, like Allah, the angels, the afterlife, and divine decree. It’s about trusting in a reality beyond our immediate comprehension.
Establishing Prayer (Salah):
- Salah, the five daily prayers, is a cornerstone of Islam. The muttaqin are diligent in performing their prayers regularly and with sincerity. It’s not just going through the motions, but connecting with Allah and seeking His guidance. Think of it as a daily reset, a chance to realign your priorities and reaffirm your devotion.
Spending in Charity (Zakat & Sadaqah):
- The Quran emphasizes the importance of spending from what Allah has provided, both obligatory Zakat and voluntary charity (Sadaqah). This demonstrates generosity, compassion, and a recognition that everything we have ultimately belongs to Allah. It’s about sharing our blessings with those in need.
Belief in Divine Revelation:
- The muttaqin believe in the Quran and the revelations sent down to previous prophets. They accept the divine guidance offered throughout history. It’s about recognizing the consistent message of truth that Allah has sent to humanity.